Working on book three – Vona Stewart

Working on book three

Though I have made several attempts to work on book three of the Shadow Sovereign Series since my husband passed away suddenly in November of 2020, I am pleased (and somewhat nervous) to report that I’m making real headway this time.

The third book is about the floating kingdom of Skywallow. Here is a map that will eventually be expanded and digitized.

It has been wonderful to revisit the magical world of Wayfair and I’m so excited for you to come along with Hayden, Kit, and Sera(!) on their new adventures.

I’ve been participating in NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) this year as I work through the second draft of the book, and hope to keep the momentum going.

Note: I used to recommend NaNoWriMo to everyone as they had some really cool writing challenges for kids, but please be aware there have been some unsafe things happening in the forums. I am not familiar with the forums, but please proceed with caution if you are a minor or have children using the site.

Since I wrote last, both books one and two are out in audiobook format. (That’s a link to Audible, but they should be available wherever you typically get your audiobooks). The producer and narrator did such a good job and I’m looking forward to working with them again once book three is completed.

Thank you for checking in and for your patience; I appreciate it so much.
